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Damping-off : seedlings

Drench seedlings with Captaf (2.0 g/l) or Copper oxychloride (3.0 g/l) or copper hydroxide (2.0 g/l) once before transplanting and once again two weeks after transplanting


Early Blight

Spray Copper oxychloride (3.0 g/l) or copper hydroxide (2.0 g/l) one or two days before transplanting.
Spray Copper oxychloride (3.0 g/l) or Mancozeb (2.0 g/l) or Chlorothalonil (2.0 g/l) or Propineb (2.0 g/l) or Metiram (2.0 g/l) or Pyraclostrobin + Metiram (2.0 g/l) or Tebuconazole 50% + Trifloxystrobin 25% w/w (0.6 ml/l) at 10-15 days interval or as and when required in the main field.


Late Blight

Spray Mancozeb (2.0 g/l) or Copper oxychloride (3.0 g/l) or Bordeaux mixture (1%) or Copper hydroxide (2.0 g/l) or Fosetyl-Al (2.0 g/l) or Dimethomorph (2.0 g/l) combination of Pyraclostrobin + Metiram (2.0 g/l) or Mefenoxam + Copper hydroxide (2.0 g/l) or Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb. 64% (2.0 g/l)


Buck-eye rot

Spray chemicals as suggested for late blight


Powdery mildew

Onset of the disease apply Hexaconazole (1 ml/l) or Dinocap (1 ml/l) or Wettable Sulphur (2.5 g/l) or Carbendazim (1.0 g/l) or
Triadimefon 25 WP (0.4 g/l) or Difenconazole (0.5 ml/l) or Kresoxim methyl 44.3 % SC (2.0 ml/l) or Propiconazole 25 EC (1.0 ml/l). 


Fusarium wilt

Drench the root zone with Trichoderma harzianum (20 g/l solution) or Carbendazim (1.0 g/l), if disease is noticed.


Bacterial wilt

Grow bacterial wilt resistant varieties


Tomato leaf curl virus

Cultivation of TLCV resistant/tolerant cultivars.

Follow Whitefly management practices. Uproot and destroy the leaf curl infected plants at the first sign of symptom.


Septoria leaf spot

Spray chemicals as suggested for early blight


Spotted wilt disease

Spray chemicals as suggested for thrips management and uproot and destroy the infected plants at the first sign of symptom.


Blossom-end rot

Apply lime and calcium containing fertilizer before planting and spray Calcium Nitrate @ 5g/liter at the first sign of symptom. Repeat one more spray after 10 days.

Integerated Disease Management

IDM - Nursery :
• Seed treatment with Captaf/Thiram (0.2%) or with Trichoderma harzianum talc formulation @ 5gm/kg.

• Raise the seedlings using portrays under nylon net/polyhouse.

• Drench the seedling protrays with Copper oxychloride (0.3%) 10 days after germination against damping off.

• Foliar application of Acephate (0.15%) or Fipronil (0.1%) or Dicofol (0.2%) against aphids, thrips and mites (need based) 

IDM - At the time of Transplanting

• Apply neem cake @250kg/ha or the required quantity of FYM ammended with Trichoderma harzianum @ 1kg/100kg neem cake/FYM to the main field against soil borne diseases and to maintain soil health.

• Drench the seedlings with Copperoxychloride (0.3%) or Captaf (0.2%) or Trichoderma harzianum talc formulation (2.0%)prior to transplanting.

• Foliar application of Acephate (0.15%) or Fipronil (0.1%) against vectors of viral diseases 

IDM - After Transplanting

• Foliar application of Copper hydroxide(0.2%) or Chlorothalonil (0.2%) or Mancozeb (0.2%) or Propineb (0.2%) or Metiram(0.2%) or Pyraclostrobin + Metiram(0.2%) for the control of earlyblight from the onset of disease and repeat at 10 to 15 days interval.

• Foliar application Mancozeb (0.2%) or Copper oxychloride (0.3%) or Copper hydroxide(0.2%) or Fosetyl-Al (0.2%) or Pre-packed mixture of Metalaxyl- Mancozeb (0.2%) or combination of Dimethomorph (0.1%) + Metiram(0.2%), Azoxystrobin (0.2%), Pyraclostrobin + metiram (0.2%), Fenamidone- Mancozeb(0.3%), Famoxadone + cymoxanil (0.1%) at ten days interval to control late blight during kharif season. (need based )

• Foliar application of Hexaconazole (0.05%) or Dinocap (0.1%) or Wettable Sulphur (0.3%) or Carbendazim (0.1%) or Tridemorph (0.1%) one or two sprays for the management of powdery mildew.

• Spray insecticides like Imidachloropid (0.03%), Acephate (0.15%) or Fipronil (0.1%) at fortnightly intervals after transplanting till flowering stage to manage viral diseases.